The holy basil plant, known in the west as Ocimum Sanctum, or tulasī, is revered as Lord Krishna's beloved. The name Tulasī translates to "the incomparable one." It is known as the plant of devotion and possesses elevating spiritual properties. Tulasi is not just any plant—she is Tulasi-Devi, the preferred plant of Kṛishna, revered by devotees of Vaiṣhṇava everywhere in the world. There is always a special place for Tulasi, both in the East and the West.


Ayurveda places a great value on it. Her scientific name in Latin is even Ocimum sanctum. Sanctum means "sacred," and ocimum indicates that she is linked to the herb basil. Known as Holy Basil, all Indians and saints hold her in high regard, as she is considered exceptionally fortunate in all the Vedic texts.


Vṛinda-devi, or "one who awards residency in Vrindavana," is another name for Tulasi. It is necessary to comprehend Vrinda-devi in order to realise Tulasi-devi. Vrinda-devi and Tulasi-devi are actually one and the same. Vrinda-devi is the expansion of Srimati Radharani and a sincere devotee of Lord Kṛiṣhna. She is in charge of arranging Sri Radha's and Kṛiṣhṇa's pastimes in Vṛindavana. As Tulasi, she serves Kṛishna in devotion, helping the fallen conditioned beings.

The Vedic scriptures describe Tulasi. In the Padma Purana (24.2) Lord Shiva tells the sage Narada about this power: "Oh Narada, wherever Tulsi grows there is no misery. She is the holiest of the holy. Wherever the breeze blows her fragrance there is purity. Lord Vishnu shower blessings on those who worship and grow Tulsi. Tulsi is sacred because Brahma resides in the roots, Vishnu resides in the stems and leaves and Rudra resides in the flowering tops."

For the purpose of uplifting the souls of those living in the material world, Vishnu created Tulasi during the churning of the milk ocean.

(oṁ) vṛndāyai tulasī-devyai / priyāyai keśavasya ca

kṛṣṇa-bhakti-prade devī / satya vatyai namo namaḥ

"I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrinda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava. O goddess, you bestow devotional service to Lord Krishna and possess the highest truth."


Importance of worshipping Tulsi Devi: 

Tulasi leaves are very dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna. Since Tulasi Devi is a true devotee of Krishna, she deserves the same respect as all of Krishna's sincere followers. A devotee can rid themselves of all material suffering by simply worshipping her with devotion. "A single one out of fifty-six offerings or thirty-six curries offered without a Tulasī leaf is not acceptable to the Lord."

Even Radharani's and the Spiritual Master's lotus feet cannot have Tulasi leaves placed upon them. It is exclusively meant to be placed on Krishna's lotus feet.

The devotees wear Tulasi neck beads and chant the Hare Krishna mahā-mantra on Tulasi beads. It is highly recommended that devotees take daily care of and water the Tulasi tree, gathering its leaves to bring to the Lord. Tulasi leaves and their leaves are very significant in devotional service.