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Udharvmukhi Parad Gutika 10 Grams

(4 customer reviews)
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Udharvmukhi Parad Gutika

    • Udhuravmukhi Parad Gutika is made of 8 Sanskar performed Mercury which is Soldified with Abharak, Swarnmakshik and Herbal Extracts. This is completely free from Zinc, Lead or Tin. Which are Described as Doshas of Parad in Ras Shastra Textbooks
    • Any Type of Blackness will not Appear by Rubbing This Parad Gutika on the Cloth or Palm of your hand. Parad Gutika Can be Tested By putting it in water under sunlight, within 45 minutes to 1 hour, the Original Parad Gutika’s Surface will Turn Golden.
    • Rasmani or Parad Gutika protects our body and mind from any type of Negative energy
    • Parad Shivling protects our house from any type of Nagetive energy, and Rasmani or Parad Gutika protects our body and mind from any type of Nagetive energy.When We are at Home Parad Shivling protects us, But when we go out for work, Outside’s Negative energy can affect us, This is the reason why our Rishi Munies are directed to wear Rasmani or Parad Gutika
    • Increases Physical and Mental Power


Based on 4 reviews

4 reviews for Udharvmukhi Parad Gutika 10 Grams

  1. Giri Babu

    It’s not just a decorative item but a spiritual beacon of positivity and protection.

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  2. Chandra Sekhar bheemuni

    I feel more connected to the divine with this beautiful artifact.

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  3. Mohan Babu

    I’ve placed it on my altar, and its divine energy fills the room.

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  4. Neelu

    The Udharvmukhi Parad Gutika is an exquisite spiritual tool

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Udharvmukhi Parad Gutika 10 Gr...
